John Baldessari paintings





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ARTIST NAME: John Baldessari

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Auction Results and Indebt Information on John Baldessari Art

John Baldessari was born: June 17, 1931, National City, California.


1949-53 B.A., San Diego State College, California.

1954-55 University of California at Berkeley.

1955 University of California at Los Angeles.

1955-57 M.A., San Diego State College, California.

1957-59 Otis Art Institute, Los Angeles.

Chouinard Art Institute, Los Angeles.

Honorary Degrees:

2006 Doctor of Fine Arts, National University of Ireland, Burren College of Art.

2003 Doctor of Fine Arts, San Diego State University and the California State University.

2000 Doctor of Fine Arts, Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design of the New School of Social Research.


2006 Certificate of Recognition, the Los Angeles Convention and Visitors Bureau, Los Angeles, CA. 2006

2005 Americans for the Arts, Lifetime Achievement Award, New York, October 11, 2005

Rolex Mentor and Protégé' Arts Initiative, Honoring, New York, November 7, 2005.

2004 American Academy of Arts & Sciences fellowship, Cambridge Massachusetts.

2003 "2nd Place Best Show Commercial Gallery National by US Art Critics Association for exhibit at Margo Leavin, 2003

2002 "Best Web-Based Original Art," AICA USA Best Show Awards, 2001/2002 Season.

Los Angeles Institute for the Humanities Fellow, sponsored by the University of Southern California.

2000 Artist Space, New York

1999 Spectrum-International Award for Photography of the Foundation of Lower Saxony, Germany

Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement, The College Art Association, New York, NY

1997 Governor’s Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Visual Arts, California.

1996 Oscar Kokoschka Prize, Austria.

1988 Guggenheim Fellowship



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