Anselm Kiefer online





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ARTIST NAME: Anselm Kiefer

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Auction Results and Indebt Information on Anselm Kiefer Art


Anselm Kiefer was born in Germany in 1945, Anselm Kiefer is widely recognized as one of the most significant artists of our time. The first American survey of Kiefer's work in almost 20 years, this exhibition features more than 40 paintings, sculptures, books, and works on paper created between 1969 and the present. The selection emphasizes the layers of meaning in the artist's work, specifically his career-long meditation on the relationship between heaven and earth. Using symbolically potent materials such as clay, lead, ash, and gold leaf to masterful effect, Kiefer embraces a complex array of subjects, including alchemy, mythology, and Jewish mysticism.


Anselm Kiefer Books


















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